An ordinance is a law passed by a your Town of Havana government. Ordinances for the Town of Havana may be found below. (if available)
A resolution is an official expression of a decision, opinion, or policy made by a town council. Resolutions are often used to address matters of a non-legislative or temporary nature, and they serve as a formal means for a town council to communicate its stance or intention on a specific issue.
If you have any questions regarding a particular ordinance or resolution, please call our offices and we will be happy to help you.
Related Documents
- Ordinances
- Ordinances 400-449
- Ordinance No. 407 - FY25 Budget Adoption
- Ordinance No. 406 -FY25 Millage Adoption
- Ordinance No. 405 - Police Chief Residency
- Ordinance No. 404 - Simulated Gambling Devices
- Ordinance No. 403 - Amending boundary of CBD - Ord. 387
- Ordinance No. 402 - Moratorium on Gaming
- Ordinance No. 401 - FY24 Budget
- Ordinance No. 400 - FY24 Millage
- Ordinances 350-399
- Ordinance No. 350 - Amending Future Land Use Map - Carver Heights
- Ordinance No. 351 - Amending Comp Plan
- Ordinance No. 352 - Alcohol Sales - DID NOT PASS
- Ordinance No. 353 - FY13 Millage
- Ordinance No. 354 - FY13 Budget
- Ordinance No. 355 - Simulated Gambling Devices
- Ordinance No. 356 - Rescind Ord 351 - Comp Plan Revisions
- Ordinance No. 357 - FY14 Millage
- Ordinance No. 358 - FY14 Budget
- Ordinance No. 359 - Amending Code - Golf Carts
- View More
- Ordinances 300-349
- Ordinances 250-299
- Ordinances 200-249
- Ordinances 150-199
- Ordinances 100-149
- Ordinances 50-99
- Ordinance 1-49
- Ordinances 400-449