Medical Facilities
Whether you have a minor injury, common cold or need surgery, the Town of Havana is happy to provide you with contact information for doctors and nearby medical facilities located in town or nearby neighboring communities. Please take a look at the information below.
Dr. Mark Newberry
Family Medicine, Geriatric Medicine
602 5th Ave E, Havana, FL 32333
(850) 539-4747
Neighborhood Medical Center
Medical and Dental Care
604 5th Ave E, Havana FL 32333
Medical: 850-539-9800
Dental: 850-539-8222
Hours: Monday - Friday 8a-5p / Saturday - Limited Dental Hours 1st & 3rd Saturday
HCA Florida Lake Jackson Emergency
3157 N Monroe St, Tallahassee, FL 32303
(850) 692-0300
Hours - Open 24 hours

Check Out Our Local Medical Provider Listings