Clubs & Organizations

Listed below are local clubs and organizations in the Town of Havana and surrounding areas. If your group is not listed and you would like for it to be included on this website, simply give us a call at 850-539-2820 and we will be happy to add it to the list below.

Community Cares
118 3rd St SW Havana FL
(850) 539-5349

Havana Community Development Corporation (HCDC)
264 Carver Ave Havana FL 
(850) 616-5112

Havana Golf & Country Club
102 Country Club Dr Havana FL 
(850) 539-6767

Havana History & Heritage Society
204 2nd Street NW Havana FL 
(850) 270-7315

Havana Main Street 
(850) 755-2999

Havana Kiwanis Club